§ 1. Preliminary provisions

  1. These rules and regulations for the provision of postal and transport services by Global24 sp. z o.o. sp. k. define the rules and conditions for the use of postal and transport services (hereinafter: ‘Service’) provided by Global24 Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością spółka komandytowa (hereinafter: ‘Global24 sp. z o.o. sp. k.”) with its registered office in Wrocław at ul. Rakietowa 29a, 54-615 Wrocław, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for Wrocław-Fabryczna in Wrocław, 6th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS no.: 0000717810, NIP: PL 8961574901, REGON: 369445058 (hereinafter referred to as “Global24” or “Operator”).
  2. Services provided by the Operator are of non-universal nature and are provided for profit in accordance with the provisions of commonly applicable law.

§ 2. Definitions

  1. Unless otherwise indicated in § 2.2 below, the terms used in the Terms and Conditions shall have the meanings given to them in the current Terms and Conditions of Service of Global24 sp. z o.o. sp. k.(hereinafter: ‘Terms and Conditions’).
  2. In addition, for the purposes of these Regulations, the terms are defined:
    1. Application – a web-based application for the full operation of the Services provided (i.e. ordering the sending of Parcels, tracking Parcels and managing the account, including crediting the account with funds for the performance of the Services), made available free of charge to the Customer upon creation of an account, located at: https://system.goglobal24.com: https://system.goglobal24.com/.
    2. Price List – an electronic document stating, inter alia, the prices of the Services, the maximum permitted dimensions and weight of the Parcel and the deadlines within which the Services may be provided, made available on the Website.
    3. European Union country – means a Member State of the European Union with the exclusion of special areas belonging to them. The current list of countries to which the Operator delivers Parcels with an indication of the possible delivery options along with an indication of the delivery area can be found in the Application.
    4. Client – a natural person, legal entity or organisational unit without legal personality who concludes an agreement for the provision of Services with the Operator at the moment of ordering the Services by the Client.
    5. Courier – an employee/representative of the Cooperating Entity, the Operator or its subcontractor.
    6. Recipient – natural person, legal entity or organisational unit without legal personality to whom the Parcel is to be delivered.
    7. Operator – Global24 sp. z o.o. sp. k., providing Services in accordance with the Regulations.
    8. Cooperating entities – postal operators and courier companies cooperating with the Operator in the scope of performance of the Service, including delivery companies operating outside the territory of the Republic of Poland.
    9. Postal Law – the Act of 25 October 2018. Postal Law (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 2188).
    10. Protocol (Damage Protocol) – a document describing the resulting damage to the condition of the Parcel, including damage or loss.
    11. Parcel (Foreign Parcel) – a Postal Parcel (registered or unregistered) being the subject of the Service, of maximum weight and dimensions defined in the Pricelist, accepted by the Operator on the territory of the Republic of Poland for transport and delivery to a given address in another country of the European Union. A parcel may be a parcel with correspondence or a postal parcel within the meaning of the Postal Law.
    12. Parcel Delivery (Parcel Delivery to a Parcel Machine) – a parcel not being a letter or parcel within the meaning of the Postal Law, registered in the Operator’s computer system, which, in the mode of delivery from the territory of the Republic of Poland to a Parcel Machine in another EU country, does not have to bear the Recipient’s marking and address, accepted by the Operator in order to be transported or delivered by means of a Parcel Machine, with the possibility of its sending and collection also in a place other than a Parcel Machine under the conditions described in the Rules.
    13. Standard Parcel – a parcel of a regular cuboid shape, not exceeding the maximum allowable actual Parcel weight and dimensions – as indicated in the Pricelist or in the Regulations.
    14. Oversize Parcel – a parcel of irregular cuboid shape, exceeding the maximum, admissible actual Weight and/or size of the Parcel – indicated in the Price List or in the Regulations. The Operator will charge additional fees for transport and delivery of an oversize Parcel, in accordance with the Pricelist.
    15. Non-standard Shipment – a shipment of non-standard and irregular shape (i.e. cylindrical, round or oval shape, etc.), containing protruding elements or wrapped in material preventing free movement on the sorter. The Operator may conditionally accept a non-standard Parcel for shipment if its dimensions or weight do not exceed the maximum dimensions or weight – indicated in the Price List. The Operator may charge an additional fee for transport and delivery of a non-standard Parcel, in accordance with the provisions of the Price List.
    16. Undeliverable Parcel – a Parcel which cannot be delivered to the Receiver or returned to the Client due to the lack of or incorrect address of the Client. Undeliverable Parcel is also a Parcel which cannot be delivered to the Recipient due to the absence or incorrect address of the Recipient.
    17. PUDO Point – a location where direct sending of a Parcel and collection of the Parcel is possible, located outside Poland.
    18. Rules and Regulations – these regulations of the Operator’s provision of the Service.
    19. Website – website at https://global24.com/en/, where information and documents relating to the Service provided by the Operator are available.
    20. Territory of the Republic of Poland – the territory of the Republic of Poland.
    21. Service – the ‘Cross Border’ service consisting of the acceptance in the territory of the Republic of Poland and the subsequent movement and delivery of Parcels to a Parcel Machine, to a PUDO Point or to a designated address in another country of the European Union.
    22. Consumer Rights Act – the Act of 13 December 2018 on Consumer Rights (Journal of Laws 2019, item 134).
    23. Actual Weight – the real weight of the Parcel including packaging. The actual weight of the Parcel must not exceed the values indicated in the Price List.
    24. Dimensions of the Parcel – the length, width and height of the Parcel including packaging, expressed in cm. The maximum dimensions of the Parcel cannot exceed the values indicated in the Price List.
  3. The Operator reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions. The Operator will inform you of these changes well in advance on the website: https://global24.com/.
  4. It is imperative that you read these Terms of Service before using the Service. By starting to use the Service, the Customer confirms that he/she has read the applicable Terms and Conditions of Service, accepts its provisions and undertakes to comply with them.

3. General provisions. Scope of activity

  1. The Operator provides the Service in the territory of selected EU Member States, excluding special areas belonging to them, as well as selected countries outside the European Union. The current list of countries, to which the Operator delivers Parcels with an indication of the possible delivery options (Parcel Machine, PUDO Point or delivery to a specified address of the Recipient), together with the indication of the delivery area, can be found in the Application.
  2. The Service is provided using postal and courier operators, including delivery companies operating outside the Republic of Poland (hereinafter: ‘Cooperating Entities’).
  3. The Operator shall provide the Services within the declared delivery times specified in the Price List. If the Price List does not specify a delivery deadline for the Parcel, it is assumed that it is 30 days. The declared term is at the same time the guaranteed term of Parcel delivery.
  4. The catalogue of Services provided includes postal items without a guaranteed delivery date and courier items with a guaranteed delivery date. The availability of the Services in individual countries and the specification of the maximum permissible dimensions and maximum permissible weight is specified in the Price List.
  5. The Client acknowledges that the standard stage of Service provision is weighing of the entire Parcel using the Operator’s measuring devices resulting in determination of the actual weight, which may constitute the basis for setting the price for the Service in accordance with the Price List. With regard to some Parcels, in order to properly perform the Service, it is also necessary to manually measure their dimensions. Weighing or measuring the Parcel does not constitute interference with the content of the Parcel, nor does it violate any rights of the Customer, the Ordering Party, the Recipient or third parties. The Customer agrees for the Parcel to be weighed and possibly measured, and for the price for the Service to be determined on the basis of these activities.
  6. The Operator reserves the right to interrupt the provision of Services in cases associated with force majeure – whereby force majeure shall be understood as external events that are impossible or almost impossible to predict, whose effects cannot be prevented, in particular natural forces (earthquakes, hurricanes, floods), as well as riots, general strikes, armed actions and actions of state authorities (import and export bans, border and port blockades, expropriations).

§ 4. Price list of services

  1. The prices for the Services provided by the Operator are specified in the Price List valid as of the date of sending the Parcel.
  2. The current Price List is available in the Application.

§ 5. Payment

  1. Fees for Services may be charged in arrears, subject to 5(5) of the Terms and Conditions.
  2. Fees for the Services provided in the form of payment in arrears shall be paid on the basis of a VAT invoice issued by the Operator pursuant to the rules set forth in the Price List and/or the Terms and Conditions.
  3. The VAT invoice shall be issued by the Operator on the basis of the data entered in the Customer’s account profile in the Application. The invoice shall be issued for the Services provided by the Operator to the Customer and shall be made available in the Application as well as sent electronically to the e-mail address indicated by the Customer.
  4. The Operator reserves the right to verify the fees charged for the Service provided. In particular, the Operator has the right to verify the weight and dimensions of the Parcel. Inconsistency of these data with the information provided by the Customer shall constitute grounds for appropriate change of the price of the provided Service, in accordance with the Price List.
  5. In the case of the necessity to pay any customs duties related to sending a Parcel abroad to a country outside the European Union, the Customer is obliged to pay the relevant customs duty to the Operator prior to making an order for sending the Parcel. The Customer’s failure to pay customs and excise duty for a foreign Parcel to a country outside the European Union prior to making a Parcel Posting Order, or the payment of the customs and excise duty in an insufficient amount, entitles the Operator to refuse to conclude an agreement for the provision of Services, or to withdraw from the already concluded agreement.

§ 6. Entitlements of the Operator. Obligations of the Customer

  1. The Operator reserves the right to refuse to conclude a contract for the provision of the Service or to withdraw from the concluded contract if:
    1. the requirements for provision of the Services specified in the Postal Law and regulations issued on its basis as well as in the Regulations are not met by the Client;
    2. the content or packaging of the Parcel exposes third parties or the Operator to damage;
    3. the packaging of the Parcel or a visible part of its content contains inscriptions, images, drawings or other graphic signs that violate the law;
    4. the Service is to be performed in whole or in part in an area not included in the register, unless the Operator has concluded a cooperation agreement allowing for performance of the Service outside this area;
    5. acceptance or movement of the Parcel is prohibited under separate regulations.
  2. In addition, the Operator reserves the right to:
    1. refuse the conclusion of an agreement for the provision of Services if the Parcel does not meet the conditions specified by the Operator for the conclusion of an agreement;
    2. withdraw from the agreement for the provision of Services if the Parcel does not meet the conditions specified in the agreement;
    3. refuse to accept Parcels containing items listed in § 6.4 below.
    4. blocking of the possibility to generate Parcels or discontinuation of the service in the case of any arrears in payment of the fee referred to in § 5.2.
  3. In the event that the Operator withdraws, for the reasons set out in § 6.1 or § 6.2 above, from the contract for the provision of the Service, the accepted Parcel shall be returned to the Customer at the Customer’s expense and the Service fee charged shall be refunded.
  4. The Operator does not accept Parcels containing: items prohibited by the relevant regulations of the Universal Postal Union; items, the movement of which is prohibited under the law or international agreements, conventions or arrangements to which Poland is a party; items excluded from air carriage under the applicable law in the case of combined air-road transport; cash, securities, other documents of monetary nature; portable documents of monetary nature, such as endorsed shares, bonds and letters of credit, coupons of nominal value or other means of payment, valuables (jewellery, works of art, antiques, numismatic items, etc.); knives and other sharp or pointed knives (e.g. knives and other sharp objects). Knives and other sharp and/or pointed objects, weapons and ammunition; explosives or flammable materials, as well as dangerous substances and goods; lottery vouchers, gambling devices – in cases where it is forbidden by the law in Poland or in the country through which the Parcel is to be transported, tobacco, alcohol, perishable goods including perishable foodstuffs, goods requiring special transport conditions; chemically and biologically active goods; radioactive materials; animals, human and animal remains; plant materials, drugs and psychotropic substances; medicines requiring special transport conditions; other goods the properties of which may pose a threat to the health of people coming into contact with them, or which may damage or destroy other consignments; pornographic and/or obscene materials, hazardous waste; other goods, the transport, import, export, circulation, use and/or possession of which is prohibited under applicable laws and regulations, including the laws of the country of delivery; any other items which, in the opinion of the Operator, cannot be transported safely or lawfully, provided that the Operator informs the Customer of this before accepting the Parcel. In particular, the Operator does not accept Parcels if this would violate the provisions of the Postal Law or other mandatory provisions of Polish law, as well as the laws of the country of transport and delivery.
  5. The Operator has the right of lien on the Parcels in order to secure claims arising from the Service provided and reasonable, additional costs of its provision arising for reasons attributable to the Customer or the Recipient. The above provision does not apply if the Recipient is a public authority.
  6. In the case of a justified suspicion that the Parcel does not meet the requirements referred to in § 6.4 of the Regulations, the Operator may check its content before its receipt in accordance with the requirements of applicable law, in particular the Postal Law, and then decide to refuse its receipt or to return the Parcel, and in exceptional and justified situations, it may, in accordance with applicable regulations, destroy the content of the Parcel, in particular if it poses a threat to people or other Parcels. The Operator charges the Customer for the return and storage of the Parcel referred to in the preceding sentence according to the current Price List.
  7. If, despite the restrictions arising from these Terms and Conditions, the Client decides to place electronic media containing any confidential data (such as financial information, private information or health information) in the Parcel, it is recommended that the Client creates and maintains a copy of such data before sending the Parcel, and the information on electronic media placed in the Parcel is duly protected against destruction, copying or loss (e.g. through encryption or use of other technical means). The Operator does not guarantee protection, in the course of performance of the Service, against loss of data and information stored on all types of data carriers, including optical and magnetic disks, memory cards, hard drives, cd/dvd/blu-ray/3D discs, etc. due to the possibility of subjecting the Parcels to atmospheric effects, including fluctuations in pressure, temperature or humidity, climate changes, etc., of which the Customer should be aware when sending the Parcel.
  8. The Operator recommends that the Customer make sure that the goods sent in the Parcels can be imported into the country of destination. The Customer will be charged for the goods sent in the Parcels to the Customer and for their return from a country into which their entry is not permitted, if the Customer has sent in the Parcel the prohibited items listed in these Terms and Conditions.
  9. The fact that the Operator has accepted the Parcel from the Customer does not constitute a presumption that the contents of the Parcel comply with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.
  10. The Operator reserves the right to demand appropriate compensation from the Customer in a situation where the content or defective packaging of the Parcel, has caused:
    1. the need to secure the property of the Operator, including the need to use specialist means intended for liquidation of the content of the Parcel or to call in relevant services having specialist tools intended for liquidation, utilisation or securing of the content of the Parcel that does not comply with the Regulations in a situation where such security is necessary for further work of the employees of the Operator in the course of transport, conveyance, sorting and delivery of the Parcel
    2. infringement of health of an employee of the Operator resulting in damage to the health of this employee or interruption of his/her work in order to provide medical assistance,
    3. the need to evacuate employees from the building or premises of the Operator, or the need to repair or scrap the vehicles transporting the Parcel and the tools used for transport, delivery or storage of this Parcel,
    4. damage in the process of moving, transporting, sorting or delivery of the Parcel of another Customer,
    5. charging the Operator with the costs of inspections or penalties by domestic public administration authorities or equivalent authorities of a European Union country.

§ 7. Acceptance of shipments

  1. A consignment may be accepted for movement and delivery as follows:łka może być przyjęta do przemieszczenia i doręczenia w następujący sposób:
    1. at Global24 (the shipment is delivered by the Customer to Global24),
    2. at the Customer’s premises – the shipment is collected by any courier on behalf of the Operator or the Customer,
  2. The condition for sending a Parcel is that the Parcel is correctly addressed (address label) in the Application.
  3. A correctly addressed Foreign Parcel to a home address shall contain, in particular:
    1. correct address details of the recipient (street and number of the building/house, postal code, town and country) and contact details (telephone number and e-mail address)
    2. the name of the customer,
  4. Detailed instructions for sending Foreign Parcels to a Parcel Machine, to a PUDO Point and to a home address are available in the Application and on the website. https://global24.com/.
  5. In the case of sending items and any materials whose value exceeds PLN 400 (four hundred), or whose loss or damage could result in a claim exceeding this amount, the Operator recommends taking out insurance for the Parcel as specified in § 15 of these Rules. The above does not exclude or limit the Operator’s liability for loss of or damage to the Parcel.

§ 8. Packaging

  1. The Customer is responsible for the quality of packaging of the Parcel appropriate to its content.
  2. The Operator accepts sending Parcels of standard shape (cuboid, foil pack). As well as dispatch of Parcels of non-standard shape (i.e. cylindrical, round or oval shape, etc.) or Parcels of oversized dimensions, Parcels with protruding elements or wrapped in material preventing free movement on the sorter.
  3. In the case of sending Parcels of non-standard or oversized dimensions, the Pricelist may charge additional fees, in accordance with the provisions of the Pricelist.
  4. The Customer is obliged to pack the Parcel appropriately and to send it in a condition that enables its proper carriage and ensures that it does not damage other parcels during carriage and that it is issued without loss or damage. In particular, the packaging should:
    1. be properly closed, preventing access to the content of the Parcel;
    2. if the delivery of the Parcels to the Operator is made in collective delivery, then the collective packaging should adequately secure the individual Parcels;
    3. be adequately resistant to the weight and content of the Parcel;
    4. have internal protection, preventing displacement of the Parcel’s content.
  5. It is unacceptable to place on the packaging of the Parcel any inscriptions, symbols or markings which are clearly contrary to the law, good customs or public order.
  6. The Operator does not provide special handling for Parcels of the type or with markings ‘Fragile’ (glass), graphic markings such as ‘Up’ or ‘To End Up’ arrows, or other similar markings.

§ 9. Delivery of the Parcel

  1. The method of delivery of the Parcel is indicated by the Customer by selecting one of the possible options:
    1. delivery to a Parcel Machine;
    2. delivery to a PUDO location;
    3. delivery to a specified home address.
  2. In the case of selected countries and areas, as indicated in the Pricelist, the Operator reserves the right to deliver Parcels sent with the option of delivery to a specified home address, to a PUDO Point assigned to it – without making a prior attempt to deliver the Parcel to a specified home address.
  3. In the case of delivery to a specified home address or to a PUDO Point, the Operator, acting through cooperating Entities, generally delivers Parcels to the given address against a receipt directly to the Recipient. It is also possible to deliver a Foreign Parcel to another person entitled to receive such Parcel, as well as to an address other than the one indicated on the Parcel if the Customer or the Recipient has given its consent, or such a possibility results from the law, including the law of the country where the Parcel is delivered, or from internal regulations of the Operator or of the Cooperating Entity which makes the physical delivery of the Parcel.
  4. The Operator does not deliver Parcels to addresses in the form of a post office box.
  5. In the case of absence of the Recipient during delivery of the Parcel to the indicated home address, the Cooperating Entity will inform him in a selected manner (by leaving a written notice in the delivery box, on the front door or in some other visible place; by e-mail message sent to the disclosed e-mail address of the Recipient; by text message to the disclosed telephone number of the Recipient) about an attempted delivery and about the place where it is possible to pick up the Parcel in person. The Operator does not exclude – depending on the regulations in force in the country of delivery of the Parcel and on the regulations of the Collaborating Entity – making more than one (1) attempt to deliver the Parcel, where the service of re-delivery may be subject to an additional fee provided for in the Pricelist (in such a case, the Pricelist specifies the delivery area where an additional fee for re-delivery applies). After each unsuccessful delivery attempt, the Parcel is returned to the nearest branch of the Cooperating Entity in the country of the Recipient and a notice of the delivery attempt is left with the Recipient. In the event of an unsuccessful delivery attempt, the delivery attempt is repeated at most once. In the event of unsuccessful delivery of the Parcel (depending on the number of repeated delivery attempts made by the Collaborating Entity in the country of the Recipient), the Parcel is considered as undeliverable and is returned to the Client in accordance with the principles specified in § 10 of the Regulations.
  6. A consignment shall also be deemed undeliverable, in particular if one of the following applies:
    1. the address of the Recipient is incomplete, illegible, incorrect or cannot be located;
    2. the Parcel is to be delivered to an address located in an area which is not serviced by the Operator or Entities cooperating within the framework of cooperation with the Operator.
    3. the Recipient’s business premises are permanently closed,
    4. delivery is impossible due to absence of an authorized person or refusal of acceptance of the Parcel or refusal of receipt of the Parcel during the first or second attempt of delivery,
    5. the Parcel exposes other Parcels to damage or delay in delivery or poses a threat to human life or health,
    6. The consignment contains prohibited items,
    7. the Parcel is improperly packed or the content or packaging of the Parcel is damaged to such an extent that it is impossible to repack it and it may constitute a danger to people or contaminate or damage other parcels, equipment or goods belonging to the Operator and third parties.
  7. If the Parcel sent from the territory of the Republic of Poland is for any reason undeliverable for delivery, the Operator will attempt to notify the Customer in order to make arrangements for the return of the Parcel. If the Parcel cannot be delivered or returned, the Customer will be charged with the expenses, costs and charges arising from the return, storage or disposal of the Parcel that cannot be delivered, unless the Parcel was impossible to deliver due to the Operator’s fault. Parcels which cannot be returned due to legal restrictions in the area will be placed in a storage house. The costs of return shall be added to the original costs of the Customer, unless the Parcel was impossible to deliver through the fault of the Operator. The amount of the return costs will be documented at the request of the Customer. Further information on the amount of the charges in the case in question shall be provided on request.
  8. The Operator declares that it will deliver the Parcel within the deadline specified in § 3.3 of the Regulations. If there are delays in delivery of the Parcel caused by administrative orders as a result of inspections or random tests or due to errors or incompleteness in documentation attributed to the Client, and if the procedures connected with delivery of the Parcel are delayed due to the Operator’s or the Recipient’s obligation to meet aviation or other safety requirements, the declared date of delivery of the Parcel is changed by adding as many working days by which the completion of official formalities has been prolonged (or part of a day). The preceding sentence also applies to the number of days during which the Client and/or the Consignee performed explanations or necessary formalities before competent authorities or institutions of the country of movement or the country of delivery.
  9. Non-performance or improper performance of the Service is understood as:
    1. Undelivered Parcel within 30 days of its posting,
    2. Parcel that has been lost, if delivery or notification of an attempted delivery or the ability to pick it up at a PUDO Point has not occurred within 30 days of its posting.
    3. Receipt of delivery of the parcel may be made in writing or electronically. Delivery of the consignment shall be confirmed by the Recipient (or other authorised person) with his/her own and legible signature.
  10. Subject to mandatory provisions and the applicable rules for the submission of complaints (§ 14 of the Regulations), any reservations concerning the performance of the Services or the condition of the Parcel should be described by the Recipient at the time of acceptance of the Parcel on the acknowledgements of receipt of the Parcel used by the Operator or the Collaborating Entities

§ 10. Unclaimed consignments

  1. Returns of unclaimed Parcels are charged in accordance with the current Price List. The fees paid by the Customer for and in connection with the provision of the Service are non-refundable.
  2. Unclaimed Parcels are returned directly to the Customer.
  3. The Operator will inform the Customer in the Application or by email that the Parcel has been returned.
  4. The Parcel may be issued for redelivery at the request of the Customer. The Operator may charge a fee for the re-issue of the Parcel and a storage fee in accordance with the Price List for Services.

§ 11. Operator’s liability

  1. The liability of the Operator for improper performance of the Postal Service shall be governed by the provisions of the Civil Code, unless the following regulations resulting from the Postal Law state otherwise.
  2. The Operator shall be liable for improper performance of the Service, unless non-performance or improper performance has occurred:
    1. due to force majeure;
    2. for reasons solely attributable to the Customer or the Recipient;
    3. due to violation of the law or the Regulations by the Customer or the Recipient;
    4. due to the characteristics of the content of the Parcel.
  3. The Operator shall be liable for improper performance of the postal service to the extent specified in the Postal Law and the Regulations, unless the non-performance or improper performance of the service:
    1. is the result of a tort;
    2. is caused by intentional fault of the Operator;
    3. is the result of gross negligence by the Operator.

In the situations referred to in points 1, 2 and 3 above, the Operator shall be liable on general principles in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code.

  1. A claim on account of improper performance of the Postal Service expires as a result of acceptance of the Parcel without reservations, unless the Recipient has noticed defects or damage of the Parcel that cannot be noticed externally after acceptance of the Parcel and, not later than after 7 days from acceptance, has notified the Operator of a claim on this account and has proven that the defects or damage of the Parcel occurred in the period between acceptance of the Parcel by the Operator in order to perform the Service and its delivery to the Recipient.
  2. The service shall be deemed to have been improperly performed in particular in the event of:
    1. for a delay in the delivery of the Parcel in relation to the guaranteed delivery date
    2. for damage or loss of the content of the Parcel;
    3. performance of the service inconsistently with the order and provisions of the Postal Law or the Transport Law (depending on whether it concerns performance of the Postal Service or the Transport Service).

§ 12. Undeliverable consignments

  1. An undeliverable parcel may be opened by the Operator or the Collaborating Entity in order to obtain data enabling its delivery or return to the Customer.
  2. The opening of an undeliverable parcel shall take place immediately, unless the written agreement concluded with the Customer provides otherwise.
  3. Opening of undeliverable mail shall be performed at the premises of the Operator or the Cooperating Entity.
  4. The opening of the undeliverable mail should be performed in a manner ensuring the least possible damage to its packaging.
  5. After opening the undeliverable mail, an employee of the Operator or the Cooperating Entity checks on the inner side of the packaging for the Recipient’s or the Customer’s markings and their addresses, and if there are none, employees selected by the Operator or the Cooperating Entity inspect the contents of the mail.
  6. If, in the course of activities described in § 12.5 above, it is determined that data allowing for delivery or return of the Parcel, this Parcel, after appropriate protection and placing a note on the packaging about its opening, is delivered to the Recipient or returned to the Client.
  7. In the case when opening of the undeliverable Parcel does not make it possible to deliver it or return it to the Client, or if the Client refuses to accept the returned Parcel, the provisions of the Postal Law apply.

§ 13. Compensation

For non-performance or improper performance of the Service, compensation shall be payable for:

  1. loss of, or damage to, a Parcel carried out by an Operator, in an amount not higher than EUR 500;
  2. loss of, damage to or loss of or deterioration of Parcel delivered by Operator, in the amount not exceeding the insurance cover provided by Operator.
  3. for delay in delivery of the Parcel in relation to the guaranteed delivery date – in the amount not exceeding the double amount of the fee for Postal Services.

§ 14. Complaints

  1. In the event of non-performance or inadequate performance of the Service, the right to lodge a complaint shall apply:
    1. To the Client;
    2. to the Recipient – in the event that the Customer waives the right to assert claims in his favour or the Parcel has been delivered to the Recipient.
  2. Either the customer or the consignee may lodge a complaint electronically or by telephone on the details given at https://global24.com/en/contact/
  3. A complaint may be lodged no later than 12 months from the date of dispatch of the Parcel.
  4. The complaint shall include:
    1. details of the consignee of the consignment
    2. description and subject of the complaint
    3. number of the document confirming dispatch or the postal item number;
    4. substantiation of the complaint
    5. amount of compensation – if the complainant demands compensation;
    6. copy of the protocol,
    7. declaration of the Customer on waiving the right to assert claims – in the case referred to in § 14.1(B) above;
    8. a description of the packaging of the damaged shipment, if the Operator so requests;
  5. The Operator shall consider the complaint without delay and shall respond to the complaint within no more than 30 days of receipt of the complaint.
  6. The deadline is deemed to have been met if the Operator sends (sends) a reply to the complaint within this period. In the event that a complaint is lodged electronically with the indication of the e-mail address by the complainant for the response, this implies consent to the delivery of letters relating to the complaint electronically to the indicated e-mail address.
  7. The response to the complaint shall include:
    1. data of the Operator (name and address of the registered office),
    2. decision on acceptance or refusal of a complaint,
    3. if the claim is accepted, the amount of compensation and information about the date and manner of its payment (within a period not longer than 30 days from the date of acceptance of the claim),
    4. instruction about the right to appeal and indication of the address to which the appeal should be sent, as well as information about the possibility of earlier, i.e. before the exhaustion of the complaint route of the second instance, to pursue claims specified in the Postal Law in court proceedings or in proceedings for out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes referred to in Article 95 of the Postal Law Act. The Customer or the Recipient may submit a request for out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes to the President of the Office of Electronic Communications in written or electronic form.
  8. The reply to a complaint should additionally contain:
    1. factual and legal reasoning – in the case of refusal to accept the complaint in full or in part;
    2. information about stopping of the Parcel, where the complaint concerns Parcels stopped by the Operator in cases specified in art. 36 item 2 of the Postal Law.
  9. Failure by the Operator to respond to the complaint within the time limit referred to in § 14.5 above shall result in acknowledgement of the complaint.
  10. In the event of a refusal to acknowledge a complaint in whole or in part, the complainant may file an appeal within 14 days from the date of delivery of the response to the complaint.
  11. In the event of an appeal against the settlement of a complaint after the expiry of the specified time limit, the appeal shall be left unprocessed, of which the Operator shall immediately notify the complainant.
  12. The Operator shall consider the appeal without delay and inform the complainant of the result of the appeal consideration within no longer than 30 days from the date of receipt of the appeal.
  13. Payment or settlement of compensation to clients:
    1. prepaid billing takes place through:
      • refund of the service charge to the customer’s account;
      • payment of compensation to the bank account specified by the Customer in the claim; or
    2. those billed in arrears are settled by means of credit notes issued by the Operator on a monthly basis or by payment of compensation to a bank account designated by the Customer.

Payment of compensation to a bank account will be made in the absence of financial obligations to the Operator.

  1. The provisions of the Postal Law and the Ordinance of the Minister of Administration and Digitisation of 26 November 2013 on Postal Service Complaints (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 474) shall apply to matters concerning complaints about the Service not regulated in this paragraph.

§ 15. Shipping insurance

  1. The Operator recommends insurance of the Parcel and offers a service of covering the Parcel with insurance, the cost of which shall be borne by the person paying for the Service, in accordance with the current Price List, which also specifies the amount of the insurance sum.
  2. The main provisions of the insurance contract for third party account concluded between the Operator and the insurer are available upon request at the Service Point.
  3. The Customer submits an order for additional insurance cover for the Parcel via the Application or electronically.

§ 16. Special rights of the Consumer

  1. Pursuant to the Consumer Rights Act, the Customer, being a consumer, has the right to withdraw from the contract for the provision of the Service concluded through the Application within 14 days without giving any reason.
  2. The 14-day period is calculated from the date of conclusion of the agreement.
  3. In the event of withdrawal from the contract for the provision of the Service, the contract shall be deemed not to have been concluded. The Customer, who is a consumer, is obliged to pay for the services provided by the Operator in accordance with the Price List until the withdrawal.
  4. The Consumer’s right to withdraw from the contract shall not apply if the Operator has performed the Service in full.

§ 17. Personal data

  1. The administrator of the personal data of individuals using the Services covered by the Terms of Use is Global24 sp. z o.o. sp. k. with its registered office in Wrocław, 29a Rakietowa Street, 54-615 Wrocław. The data is processed for the purpose of concluding the agreement and performing the Service. Persons providing their personal data have the right to access its content and correct it. Data may be made available to Cooperating Entities solely for the purposes of providing the Service.
  2. The Operator, Cooperating Entities may also be obliged to provide personal data to Polish and foreign public authorities or institutions or offices from the countries of movement / delivery of the Parcel, which are entitled to request such data on the basis of applicable regulations.
  3. With regard to data provided by the Client in connection with the Parcel and concerning the Recipient or a third party, the Client guarantees that he/she complies with the applicable legal acts in the area of data protection, including obtaining all necessary permissions and consents to make such data available to the Operator and to process it for the purpose of performing the Service.
  4. The provision of data is voluntary, but without the provision of data necessary for the performance of the Service it is not possible to conclude an agreement for its provision.
  5. The parties may inform about the provision of services by the Operator to the Customer in public communications and, for this purpose, use the trade mark of the other party (name and logo).

§ 18. Environmental policy

  1. In connection with the implementation of an Environmental Management System in accordance with the PN-EN ISO 14001:2015 standard, the Board of Directors adopted an environmental policy applicable to every employee working at Global24.
  2. The environmental policy at Global24 sp. z o.o. sp. k. is implemented by observing and improving the following principles:
    • compliance with all environmental legislation and continuous improvement of the environmental management system
    • compliance by all employees with applicable environmental legislation and rules
    • continuous improvement of environmental awareness and competence of employees, taking into account their predispositions, skills and education, through training in the implemented environmental system
    • prevention of environmental pollution, through continuous monitoring of the relevant environmental aspects, identification and elimination of environmental risks, application of EMS procedures and instructions in practice
    • reliably informing employees about the company’s objectives, technical and organisational progress, the impact of their activities on the environment and their undertakings and achievements in this respect, as an incentive for continuous improvement of the environmental management system
    • carrying out environmental hazard identification and rational waste management in order to minimise the environmental impact of our production processes

§ 19. Final provisions

  1. The current version of the Rules and Regulations together with appendices is available free of charge at the Operator’s registered office and on the Website.
  2. In matters not regulated herein, provisions of the Postal Law, the Civil Code and relevant international regulations shall apply.
  3. Any provisions of the Regulations shall not be binding in relation to agreements concluded with consumers, if such provisions would be recognised as an illicit contractual clause or a practice infringing collective consumer interests. Otherwise, the provisions of the Terms and Conditions shall be binding on consumers if they have not been expressly excluded in the Terms and Conditions with respect to consumers.
  4. The Operator reserves the right to modify and change the rules of performing and using the Service if it is dictated by technical reasons, changes and/or termination of agreements with cooperating entities or delivery companies performing the Service outside the borders of the Republic of Poland on behalf of Global24 sp. z o.o. sp. k., or caused by legal regulations of the country through which the Parcel is transported and/or the country of delivery, or resulting from the type of service ordered, etc. circumstances beyond Global24’s real control.
  5. The modifications and changes referred to in the preceding sentence will enter into force after they are published on the Website, and do not affect the rules of performance of Parcels accepted by the Operator before their implementation.
  6. In relation to transport, sorting and delivery of foreign Parcels with participation of Cooperating Entities, the provisions of their regulations are applicable (provided that they are compliant with the regulations of the World Postal Union, Polish law, these Regulations, domestic regulations and do not violate the rights of Consumers under mandatory provisions of Polish law).
  7. Any disputes shall be settled by the common court having jurisdiction over the seat of the Operator.
  8. The Regulations shall enter into force as of: 14-08-2021 r.