Global reach with a local touch

Do you sell abroad, but have problems with handling foreign returns?

Thanks to our overseas shipping and return addresses, we will help you solve it!

Build your competitive advantage and localised brand experience thanks to the geographical return option for your buyers

Comprehensive solution for international orders returns

Thanks to our return solution, you can:

An e-Commerce Guide to Returns. Best Practices for easy, quick and efficient returns. 

In our Returns Guide, we discuss: 

    Make your returns process

    sustainable with Global24

    You can make your return process more sustainable by:

    • Preventing likelihood of your returns
    • Ditching  prepackaged free return labels
    • Return parcels to your warehouse in bulk
    Return label

    Returns from EU to UK FAQ 

    Avoiding import duties when selling ecommerce can be challenging, but there are strategies you can employ to minimise or mitigate these charges:

    • Research Import Regulations: Familiarise yourself with the import regulations of the countries you plan to sell to. Each country has its own rules and thresholds for import duties, so understanding these can help you navigate the process more effectively.
    • Utilise Free Trade Agreements: Some countries have free trade agreements with others, which can exempt certain products from import duties or reduce them. Explore whether your products qualify for preferential treatment under these agreements.
    • Value Declaration: Be accurate and honest when declaring the value of your goods for customs purposes. Under-declaration of the value of your products to avoid duties is illegal and can lead to penalties.
    • Product Classification: Ensure that you correctly classify your products according to the Harmonized System (HS) codes. Misclassification can result in incorrect duty charges or delays in customs clearance.
    • Local Warehousing: Consider storing your inventory locally in the countries you sell to. This can help you avoid import duties altogether since the goods are already within the country’s borders.
    • Use a Fulfillment Service: Some fulfillment services offer international warehouses and distribution centres. By using these services, you can store your products closer to your customers, potentially reducing import duties and shipping costs.
    • Customs Duty Exemptions: Research whether your products qualify for any customs duty exemptions or reduced rates based on factors such as the type of goods, their intended use, or the recipient’s eligibility for duty relief.
    • Customer Education: Clearly communicate any potential import duties or taxes to your customers at the time of purchase. Providing transparency about additional charges can help manage expectations and reduce the likelihood of returns or disputes.
    • Consult Experts: If you’re unsure about navigating international trade regulations, consider seeking advice from customs brokers, international trade consultants, or legal experts specialising in import/export laws.

    By implementing these strategies and staying informed about international trade regulations, you can minimise the impact of import duties on your ecommerce business.

    1. Understand International Return Regulations:

    Before diving into international sales, familiarise yourself with the return regulations of the countries you’re targeting. Each country may have different policies regarding return timelines, shipping methods, and customs duties. Understanding these regulations will help you set clear return policies and manage customer expectations.

    2. Clearly Communicate Return Policies:

    Transparency is key when it comes to return policies. Clearly communicate your return policy on your website, including information about return windows, eligible items for return, and any restocking fees or return shipping costs. Make sure this information is easily accessible to foreign buyers in their native language.

    3. Offer Flexible Return Options:

    Provide multiple return options to accommodate the diverse needs of international customers. This may include offering return shipping labels, facilitating returns through local carriers or third-party logistics providers, or providing return drop-off locations in key international markets.

    4. Streamline the Return Process:

    Simplify the return process as much as possible to minimise friction for foreign buyers. Provide step-by-step instructions for initiating returns, including how to package the items and where to send them. Consider implementing an online returns portal or automated return system to streamline the process further.

    5. Invest in International Shipping Solutions:

    Partner with reliable international shipping carriers or fulfilment services to ensure smooth and timely delivery of returned items. Choose shipping options that offer tracking and insurance to provide peace of mind for both you and your customers.

    6. Implement Robust Quality Control Measures:

    Reduce the likelihood of returns by implementing stringent quality control measures before shipping products to international customers. Thoroughly inspect items for defects, damages, or inaccuracies to minimise the risk of returns due to product issues.

    7. Provide Exceptional Customer Support:

    Offer responsive and multilingual customer support to assist international buyers with any questions or concerns they may have about returns. Provide timely responses to inquiries and strive to resolve issues promptly to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

    8. Analyze Return Data and Identify Trends:

    Monitor and analyse return data to identify trends and patterns that may indicate underlying issues with your products or processes. Use this information to make data-driven decisions and continuously improve your return management strategies.

    9. Focus on Preventing Returns:

    Ultimately, the best way to manage returns from foreign buyers is to prevent them from happening in the first place. Invest in product photography and detailed descriptions to accurately represent your products, offer size guides and fit recommendations to help customers make informed purchasing decisions, and provide exceptional customer service throughout the buying journey.

    In conclusion, managing returns from foreign buyers in e-commerce requires careful planning, clear communication, and a customer-centric approach. By understanding international return regulations, offering flexible return options, streamlining the return process, and providing exceptional customer support, you can effectively manage returns and maintain customer satisfaction in your international e-commerce operations.

    As you know, ensuring a seamless experience for your customers is paramount to your success in the e-commerce sphere.

    Amazon’s request for a local return address presents you with an opportunity to enhance the customer experience and streamline your return process. By providing a local return address, you can offer your buyers greater convenience and expedite the return process, ultimately fostering trust and loyalty among your customer base.

    We understand that coordinating a local return address may pose some logistical challenges, but we believe that with our collaborative effort, you can overcome any obstacles and meet Amazon’s requirements effectively. To this end, we propose that we work together to identify suitable local return addresses in key markets and establish a framework for managing returns in a timely and efficient manner.

    Additionally, we are confident that implementing a local return address will not only satisfy Amazon’s requirements but also benefit your business by reducing return shipping costs, minimising transit times, and enhancing customer satisfaction.
    We are eager to discuss this matter further and collaborate on finding a solution that meets Amazon’s expectations while aligning with your business goals. Please book a call with Aggie to discuss:

    • Understand Return Goods Relief: Familiarise yourself with the regulations and requirements of Return Goods Relief. RGR allows you to claim relief from customs duty when re-importing goods that were previously exported from the UK, provided certain conditions are met.
    • Ensure Eligibility: Ensure that your goods meet the eligibility criteria for RGR. Generally, goods must be returned within three years of their export date, be in the same condition as when exported, and not have undergone any processing or repair outside the UK.
    • Keep Documentation: Maintain accurate records of the original export, including export documentation such as invoices, shipping documents, and proof of export declaration (e.g., export customs entry or exit summary declaration).
    • Declare Goods Correctly: When re-importing goods, declare them correctly to customs authorities and indicate that you are claiming Return Goods Relief. Provide all necessary documentation to support your claim, including proof of the goods’ export and evidence of their condition upon return.
    • Submit a Customs Declaration: Include a statement on your customs declaration indicating that you are claiming Return Goods Relief and provide all required information, including the original export details and the reason for the return.
    • Pay Attention to Deadlines: Ensure that you submit your claim for Return Goods Relief within the specified time frame. Failure to do so may result in the loss of relief eligibility and the imposition of customs duties.
    • Seek Professional Advice if Needed: If you are unsure about the process of claiming Return Goods Relief or need assistance with customs procedures, consider seeking advice from a customs broker, trade consultant, or professional advisor with expertise in international trade and customs regulations.

    By following these steps and adhering to the requirements of Return Goods Relief, you can successfully claim relief from customs duty for returned goods as a UK e-commerce seller.

    A digital return label is a virtual label provided to customers by merchants for returning items purchased online. Instead of receiving a physical pre-paid label in the mail, customers can access the digital return label through email, a website, or a mobile app.

    Here’s how a digital return label typically works:

    • Generation: When a customer requests a return, the merchant generates a digital return label electronically.
    • Delivery: The digital return label is then delivered to the customer via email or made available for download from the merchant’s website or app.
    • Printing: In some cases, customers may be required to print the digital return label at home. This allows them to affix the label to the package they are returning.
    • Scanning: Alternatively, some shipping carriers and logistics providers offer mobile scanning capabilities. Customers can display the digital return label on their smartphones for scanning at drop-off locations or when picked up by the carrier.
    • Tracking: Once the package is returned, the merchant can track its progress using the unique barcode or tracking number associated with the digital return label.

    Digital return labels offer several benefits for both merchants and customers:

    • Convenience: Customers can access and print digital return labels from the comfort of their homes, eliminating the need to wait for physical labels to arrive in the mail.
    • Cost Savings: Merchants can save on printing and shipping costs associated with traditional return labels.
    • Environmental Impact: By reducing the need for paper labels, digital return labels can help decrease waste and minimise the environmental footprint of return shipments.
    • Efficiency: Digital return labels streamline the return process, allowing merchants to process returns more quickly and efficiently.

    Overall, digital return labels provide a convenient and environmentally friendly solution for managing returns in the e-commerce industry.

    The time it takes to receive returns to your warehouse in the UK can vary depending on several factors, including:

    • Shipping Method: The shipping method chosen by the customer for returning the item can significantly impact the return transit time. For example, if the customer opts for standard shipping, it may take longer compared to expedited or express shipping options.
    • Location of the Customer: The distance between the customer’s location and your warehouse in the UK will affect the return transit time. Returns from nearby locations may arrive more quickly compared to those from farther away or international destinations.
    • Carrier Efficiency: The efficiency and reliability of the shipping carrier or courier service used for the return shipment can influence the return transit time. Some carriers may offer faster delivery times and more reliable tracking capabilities than others.
    • Customs Clearance (for International Returns): If the return shipment is coming from an international location, customs clearance processes may add additional time to the return transit time. Delays in customs clearance can occur due to various factors, including customs inspections and documentation requirements.
    • Warehouse Processing Time: Once the return package arrives at your warehouse, it will need to go through processing and inspection before being officially received into your inventory. The processing time at your warehouse can vary depending on factors such as the volume of returns received and your internal procedures for handling returns.

    Overall, return transit times to your warehouse in the UK can range from a few days to several weeks, depending on the factors mentioned above. It’s essential to communicate clear expectations regarding return transit times to your customers and provide them with tracking information so they can monitor the progress of their return shipments. Additionally, optimising your internal processes for receiving and processing returns can help minimise delays and ensure timely resolution for your customers.