Fast and safe international returns – how to provide them in your store
If you run your own online shop and you sell internationally you can provide your customers with a fast, safe and comfortable returns process with Global24. We don’t want to encourage your customers to return your products but to ensure they buy more frequently with the awareness that their international returns won’t cause them any problems.

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Table of contents:
1. International parcel returns – Well thought out operating policy
2. Handling of international returns – why are the products returned, returns systems and modern technological solutions
3. Professional handling of international returns – basic rules
4. International returns with Global24 – why is it worth it?
5. Fast and safe international returns – summary
International parcel returns – well thought out operating policy
Have you done much to distinguish yourself from your competition? Do you offer high quality products and customer service supported by swift completion of orders? That’s perfect, because these are the core elements that make the successful e-commerce business. There’s only one important question left – does your e-shop returns service works properly and doesn’t decrease revenue of your company?
It is important to highlight that a lot of e-commerce businesses are successful because they sell on foreign markets. By sending their products to various countries worldwide – they reach wider groups of customers. By using the internet and modern logistics solutions customers are likely to participate in international online commerce. Even if it creates big chance of boosting sales, it also creates considerable logistics challenges, particularly when it comes to returns of orders.
The best practices in terms of international returns in e-commerce
Returns in international e-shop not only generate additional costs, they also require more work. Sometimes, returned products cannot be sold again which can negatively impact increase of generated losses. Even if not accepting returns seems like the easiest way out, there are couple of essential reasons for which you should develop good international returns policy.
Remember that based on European Parliament Directive, consumers have a right to return products that were purchased online. When running your online store, therefore selling online, you are required to uphold current regulations.
Websites with well-constructed returns policy have much higher chances of acquiring broader spectre of customers. Based on research, 60% of customers checks e-shop’s return policy and over 80% of them complete the purchase if they accept returns policy.
Clear and understandable returns policy significantly reduces the amount of abandoned shopping carts. Good customer experience helps successfully build brand loyalty, protect your reputation and expand your customers base in each country. Professional handling of international returns is a very profitable investment.
At the same time you should remember that if you want to work on global marketplaces such as eBay or Amazon, well thought out international returns policy requires specific solutions such as, for example, local shipping address on your customers package. Such solution can be obtained e.g by working with Global24. How does it work?
Handling of international returns – why are the products returned, returns systems and modern technological solutions
Although returns cannot be eliminated in 100% it’s still worth working on minimising its occurrence. Remember that lower percentage of returns means higher revenue and more satisfied customers. That’s why it is important to find out why the products are returned. The most common reasons are :
- Customer received wrong product
- Customer received wrong size/color version of product
- Product doesn’t match description placed on e-shop’s website
- The order arrived damaged.
When handling international returns it is worth to keep track of couple of essentials, such as workflow of e-shop’s warehouse, coordination and completion of order packing. You should also look into labelling, placing orders in warehouse, scanning of barcodes and personnel training. One of the ways to reduce human error factor and quickening the process of order completion is implementation of dedicated system.
When using system integration with Global24 platform, you can save precious time of your employees. When sending internationally, all you need to do is deliver us the collective package with your international customers orders, and we will sort and properly label it. Errors when labelling international orders are very common cause of expensive international returns.
When wondering how to handle international returns, you surely want it to be as quick and flawless as possible. Thanks to that, you as a seller will quickly receive returned product and your customer won’t have to wait long for their refund. Depending on which platform you are using, you can quickly implement dedicated returns system.
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Global24’s modern warehouse and shipment management system provides automatic actualisations and enables collective printing of shipping labels, invoices and waybills. Remember to implement modern technological solutions when handling international returns.
Professional handling of international returns – basic rules
Reliability and transparency of services
Did you know that almost 70% of customers who are comparing offers from different stores checks returns policies before completing the purchase? In that case it’s worth to put yourself in your customers shoes – check your returns policy and what’s most important – instructions provided when returning your product. Remember, the better customer experience, the bigger likelihood that customers will remember your offer.
Better effectiveness of shipment – lower necessity of international returns
To minimise the amount of returns consider following these steps:
- Put as many precise details in product’s description on your e-shop’s website as possible. Add photographs, it might also be a good idea to add video presentation of the product. Publish real opinions of your customers and encourage them to share their opinions on your products.
- Analise shopping behaviours of your customers
- Create and display simple rules – how long does the return process take, what to do with damaged goods etc.
- Consider creating clear international returns process
Trusted logistics operator
Most of the major carriers such as DHL, TNT or UPS are able to transport packages between nearly every address in the world. When working with Global24 you are not limited to choosing just one carrier – you have option to choose multiple carriers, who are often leaders in logistics. It gives you higher chances of completing order with the best possible price.
Returns of packages – ensure variety
Multichannel communication with a customer is very important especially in terms of international returns. It is essential to ensure variety of options to provide customer with choice. What we mean by that, is to support different logistics solutions such as: couriers, postal delivery, pick up points, or return in the point of sale (if possible). Various options of returns will surely satisfy your customers, it will however increase operational costs.
International returns with Global24 – why is it worth it?
Do you wonder why is it worth to use our services? We offer comprehensive solutions for international deliveries and returns of packages – you can’t go wrong with Global24.
By choosing to work with us, you can take advantage of separated service just for international returns with GlobalReturns.
It’s a great solution dedicated for both online shops and distributors selling on international markets alike. See what GlobalReturns is exactly.
We handle returns from: Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands or Poland.
The biggest benefits you gain from using Global24 services are:
- No subscription fees
- Possibility to generate shipping labels by the buyer
- International address for package, which gives advantage when selling on Amazon or eBay, very comfortable from your customer’s perspective
- Clear terms of service
- Possibility of admission of pallets or irregular packages
If you have any questions feel free to contact us!
Fast and safe international returns – summary
To sum up, incorrect returns strategy can be a very expensive mistake. Professional and comprehensive handling of international returns might help your company to spread wings, conquer international markets and maintain profitability. Remember to choose verified carriers and don’t make same mistakes your competition does.
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