VVO, waste registration in Austria – what do you need to know?

Have you decided to expand abroad and sell to Austria? If so, check out what you need to know about VVO packaging and waste registration and what will change from 2023 onwards.

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Table of contents:

  1. VVO opdad registration in Austria – what is it anyway?
  2. VVO – registration and costs
  3. Law in Austria and changes from 01.01.2023
  4. Shipping to Austria with Global24 is easier than you think!
  5. Now you know what VVO is and how to register for VVO

VVO waste registration in Austria – what is it anyway?

As of 01.01.2015, the new packaging law in Austria – the Verpackungsverordnung (VVO)– came into force. Its aim is to promote the reuse and avoidance of packaging waste and to contribute to the environmentally friendly recycling and disposal of packaging waste. Regulations drawn up by the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection (German: Das Bundesministeriums für Klimaschutz – BMK) oblige any business that places packaging waste on the Austrian market to register with the packaging return system. These entities are, for example, manufacturers, retailers (including online) or bottlers based in Austria, as well as importers who sell their products directly to Austrian end-customers, regardless of whether they are based in Austria or not.


Packaging – definition

According to the Verpackungsverordnung (VVO), packaging is defined as objects made of various materials for packaging, packaging aids, pallets for lifting, protection, handling, delivery and presentation of goods. Thus, we are dealing with transport, sales and service packaging. The next distinction is the division of household packaging and business packaging , i.e. commercial packaging. The latter group, which you are probably most interested in, includes:

  • non-householdpackaging,
  • paper, cardboard, paperboard and corrugated cardboard packaging meeting the definition of transport packaging,
  • foil trays, pallet trays and strapping and adhesive tape.

Industrial packaging, interchangeably commercial packaging, is subject to take-back obligations depending on the amount of material used or a certain annual turnover.

VVO – registration and costs

VVO – registration

Industrial packaging can also be processed by packaging marketers through return systems. Alternatively, it is possible to set up a private (proven) packaging return system.

Entrepreneurs placing household packaging on the market, subject to the above obligation, have a choice of seven private, competing return systems in Austria:

Using Interseroh as an example, you conclude the packaging licence agreement HERE in English or German. You go through the following steps:

  1. you enter the quantity of household packaging and the quantity of industrial packaging,
  2. you choose one of the 2 billing options,
    1. flat rate reporting (companies marketing less than 1,500 kg of household or commercial packaging qualify for a flat fee of €156 each year instead of submitting conventional reports),
    2. entering the estimated amount of packaging materials to be marketed in 2022,

    3. you fill in the data of your company,
    4. the system calculates the amount payable to you,
    5. you download the licensing agreement.

We have prepared a cost simulation for you, where we have assumed 1,000 kg for each of the above packaging categories. The total value to be paid is EUR 4894.80. However, please note that each of these types of packaging is calculated at a different rate. Hence, as with the LUCID registration in Germany, it is worth checking all the above-mentioned return systems.

See more on packaging registration in Germany: LUCID in 2024: Understanding Registration and Cost

Law in Austria and changes from 01.01.2023

What changes will occur from the beginning of 2023? Below is a list of commercial packaging obligations:

  • Participation in the collection and recycling system,
  • Information obligation up to subsequent sales levels (distributors and primary debtors),
  • Information obligation in case of participation of higher or lower sales levels of the primary obligor (legally binding declaration),
  • Obligation of the primary obligor to record and report on packaging delivered to large accumulation points,
  • Obligation to report annual data for the previous calendar year.

For foreign companies (not based in Austria), an obligation to appoint an authorised representative in the country has also been introduced. For both B2B and B2C sales.

Another element to be introduced from 2023 will be mandatory rules for single-use plastic products. These include the appointment of an authorised representative by foreign shipping companies (for wet wipes, balloons, tobacco products and fishing gear) and participation in the VVO system for single-use plastic products and fishing gear.

Important: until the end of 2022, a separate provision for so-called small suppliers is in place. Small packaging suppliers (German: Kleinstabgeber) are, as the name suggests, entrepreneurs who introduce smaller quantities and packaging throughout the calendar year. They may therefore not exceed the following values:

  • paper, cardboard, corrugated cardboard: 300 kg,
  • glass: 800 kg,
  • metals: 100 kg,
  • plastics: 100 kg,
  • wood: 100 kg,
  • all other packaging materials: 50 kg.

Their total annual turnover (excluding sales tax) is a maximum of EUR 730,000. With this provision, small suppliers are only obliged to take back the packaging material they have placed on the market and recycle it in accordance with the Packaging Ordinance at the request of their customers.

Please note: the regulation is only valid until 31.12.2022

We invite you to read: Amazon – returns in Germany and Austria. What is APRL and more 

Shipping to Austria with Global24 is easier than you think!

Do you want to start selling in Austria? Wondering what the law is like in Austria in terms of VVO regulations? You’ve come to the right address. We comprehensively process international parcels to Austria, as well as many other countries including the UK after BREXIT. We offer the best delivery times while guaranteeing transparent payments.


A parcel to Austria can be delivered after just 36h! What’s more, along with our shipping services, we also handle any returns from foreign buyers. Don’t hesitate any longer, bet on the knowledge and experience of the best Global24 experts !

    Now you know what a VVO is and which companies you can use

    In summary, Austria is another country after Germany (LUCID) or France (EPR) that strongly clarifies and narrows the rules on waste registration. This is primarily to promote reuse and avoidance of packaging waste or preparation for reuse and recycling. So you already know what the law is like in Austria in the context of waste registration and which companies you can use.


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